Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Modest is Hottest!

Every year in our Stake, the youth get to attend a "Modest is Hottest" dance.  It is a semi-formal affair and is usually the best dance of the year.  Casey (who always goes to the dances) and I, got to attend.  The theme was "Cosmic Clubhouse."  Because Casey is in the high school dance business, he contracted with his buddy Bob to bring out an enormous lighting and video set-up.  

Casey had pre-recorded videos of outer space scenes, trailers to old black and white space movies, Star Wars clips and even Marvin the Martian clips.  The videos were playing silently on the two screens on either side of the DJ all night.  Some of them were so funny and the kids got a kick out it.  (The giant ball in the middle of the room is a Sun.  The youth had fun rolling it around all night).

There were so many youth there...all of them dressed so modestly. 

When we were in Utah, we visited a store called the "Sister Missionary mall."  There, we found a modest dress for Charlotte (who only wears skirts...she didn't even own a dress until now) to wear to the dance.  She felt really good in it and looked cute!  She is growing up so ridiculously fast now.  These are a few of her best buddies...Jenna and Marissa.

Surprisingly, Charlotte didn't mind that we were there.  She even danced not only with her dad, but her uncle Jared as well.   

Casey loves to swing dance.  He got to dance with his sister (Charlotte) who is really good at it but he also spent some time teaching some of the youth to swing dance.

The snacks for the dance were also very clever...Moon Pies, Starbursts, Sun Chips, and Milky Ways.  Good job to the youth committee that planned the dance!  It was a blast!

Here is week 14!  

1 comment:

  1. What a neat dance! And so cool that the youth get to have a wholesome semi-formal every year. Sadly, we had to force Madison to go to the New Year's Eve dance--and she's not interested in attending any more, lol.
