Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Crazy school schedules

The end of the school year was a fast and furious affair for the Westovers!  It seemed that every day for 2 weeks prior to school's end, we had some event to attend.  That was in addition to Casey's 3 tortuous weeks at work.  (The first three weeks in June are our busiest of the whole season!)

Charlotte and  Jillian had their final orchestra/band concert of the season where Charlotte was given a special leadership award by her band-mates.  At the end of the concert, Jillian's orchestra and Charlotte's band joined forces and played a Lord of the Rings arrangement.  It was awesome!  Their teacher is Mr. Woodford...he is a middle school favorite!

Next up is Lydia.  She "graduated" from Kindergarten last week and was presented with a "diploma" and a picture of her in a cap and gown.  It is adorable!  Her teacher, Mrs. T, has had all five of our kids.  She was so sad to say goodbye to our last one!  Lydia is so excited to go to first grade next year!

The same day as Lydia's program, Maggie performed in the 5th grade talent show.  She sang "The Last Rose of Summer."  I got Charlotte out of school early to play the piano for her.  Maggie did such a great job!  We are so proud of both of them...and how they support each other in developing their talents.  (I love the picture below...they are such good sisters!)

Here is the video...just click on the link.

Charlotte was "promoted" from Middle school to High school this week also.  They had a little graduation ceremony in the high school gym.

Here she is with the whole class of 2017, saying thank you to the parents in the audience. 

Here is Charlotte with some of her friends.  They are wearing Hershey's kiss necklaces in Thurston black and red.  These girls are SO ready for high school!  It should be a fun adventure.   Casey loves the fact that his girls will all be attending his high school.  The choir teacher that taught Casey in high school was excited to learn that next year, he gets Casey's first daughter in choir.  (He is set to retire soon...we are hoping he sticks it out a few more years!)

Finally, the Oregon zoo was on the schedule this week as well.  I got to chaperone Allison's zoo trip.  It rained on and off the whole day but the kids had fun anyway!  I love the Oregon zoo!


  1. We had nearly the same last two weeks of school here! Choir & band concerts, kindergarten "celebration," 5th grade commencement, 8th grade "promotion." Plus field trips to the local zoo, too! Ha! (Next year, we get to do the 8th & 5th grade thing all over again.)

    Oh, Maggie & Charlotte did such an awesome job. Your girls are so talented, Andrea!

    1. Since our kids are exactly the same ages....that makes sense! I will have another 8th grade promo next year too! They are growing up too fast don't you think?
