Monday, September 8, 2014

Summer Fun

Summer is about over!  I have to admit, I am really glad.  I love fall...the colors, the cool weather, the activities and mostly, the fact that kids are back in school!  My poor house suffers greatly during the summer months with five kids at home all day (three of which are messy teens) and I am anxious to do some deep cleaning and organizing.  Our little house seems even smaller in the summertime.

We have had some awesome experiences this summer.  Here they are, in no particular order:

After two days of cramming, Charlotte earned the Seminary Scholar award at seminary graduation.  She had to finish the whole book of mormon and the day before graduation, had two whole books to go.  So, she read non-stop and barely completed it before we left for the meeting.  She loved her first year of seminary.

Casey got this new grill for Father's day.  He picked it out himself and he loves it!  He can fit a ton of meat on the grill.  We have cooked on this grill so much this summer!

In an effort to expand our event rental business, we purchased two Segway Knock-offs to rent.  They are called Free-Gos and they are much cheaper than Segways but handle pretty much the same.  We hope to rent them out to Grad parties next year.  We have spent MANY a summer night running around the Thurston streets on these.  

Over the Fourth of July, I left Casey at home with the two youngest girls and left for his family reunion in Nauvoo, IL.  He just couldn't get away from work so, in an effort to make the trip more enjoyable for me, he allowed me to just take the teens.  It was really fun to just have them to worry about.  We flew into St. Louis and the next day, went to Six Flags amusement park.  We had so much fun there!

Next up was amazing Nauvoo!  We had to pinch ourselves as we drove into Nauvoo and saw the temple.  We couldn't believe we were actually there!  We stayed in the Nauvoo House which was just barely under construction when Joseph Smith died but was finished for Emma to live in years later.  The whole Westover clan stayed here..right on the banks of the Mississippi.  It was amazing to see everyone but we really missed Casey and the little girls.
We got a chance to go on a real handcart trek.  (it was only 3 miles but was very authentic).  The mud from the previous night's rainstorm was crazy thick and sticky.  None of us came away from that trek without being covered in mud.  The girls and I went straight to the laundromat and washed everything.  

The best part was watching the cousins spend time, laugh and sing together.  My girls LOVE their Westover cousins.  Other activities included the Nauvoo pageant, carriage rides, a visit to Carthage and of course, touring all the historic homes. Thanks Aunt Maria, for putting this reunion together.

Charlotte earned her Young Womanhood recognition award this summer.  She was determined to finish it before she turned 16.  She now wears her medallion everywhere she goes.

This is kind of out of order but Casey and I went on an official Segway tour of Corvallis for our 17th anniversary.  It was because of this tour that we decided to buy the Freegos that you saw above.  I sure love my sweetheart!

While I was in Nauvoo, Casey spent the fourth of July with the little girls by taking them on the neighborhood bike parade.  They decorated their bikes and rode in the parade while Casey and Scott rode the FreeGos.  I think they got a lot of curious looks.

In the evening, Casey took the girls to the Eugene Pro Rodeo.  It was really hot but they lasted for most of the rodeo...just not the fireworks at the end.  They came home and watched our neighborhood's show which always includes a ton of illegal stuff.

Later in the week, he took the girls (plus buddy Cassandra) to Enchanted Forest where they somehow were able to spend a full five hours.  (For any of you that have been to Enchanted forest, you know that is hard to do.)  He bought them the wristband that got them on everything so they went on the Frog Hopper at least 10 times.  For my little girls, that trip to Enchanted Forest was the highlight of their summer.

We took MANY trips to 7-11 for Slurpees!

Girl's camp with all three girls was awesome!  I was asked to be the photographer this year instead of a unit leader.  (I think they asked me for my camera, not my skills.)  The theme was "superheroes."  It was especially fun to watch Maggie experience her first year as camp.  Her unit was Captain America, Charlotte's unit was Superman and Jillian's unit was Thor.  Jillian's unit ended up wining the most coveted award at camp, Heritage Mountain.

Finally, the biggest event of the summer for me was a trip to Russia to surprise my parents.  (They are serving their mission there and only have a few months to go).  My brother Todd used all of his frequent flyer miles to get us all over there.  We had a nine hour layover in New York before boarding our flight to Moscow so we did a whirlwind tour of Manhatten.  We visited Times Square, the 9/11 Memorial, China Town and we had lunch at Lombardi's pizza.  We then grabbed a cab and headed back to the airport.  It was really fun because my brothers fly so much, they are members of the Delta Sky Club.  Instead of hanging out with the masses in the terminal, we got to lounge around in the sky club eating free food and drinking free drinks.  It was awesome!

We arrived in Moscow at 10 in the morning, exhausted and anxious to see my parents.  They were expecting my brother Todd, his wife and two friends.  Instead, they got all four of their children.  Mom cried a little. :)  Right after getting off the plane we braved the Moscow Metro (which terrified me), went back to their apartment, took showers and then took off for a river cruise.  I felt so bad because I kept falling asleep during the ride.  We were so jet lagged.

The next day we visited a World War 2 memorial museum and park.  It was so interesting.

I was amazed at how many statues there are in Moscow of soldiers and guns.

St. Basil's catheral

The Lock tree bridge.  Mom and dad "locked their love" on this tree and threw the key into the river.

We loved shopping for souvenirs at the outdoor market.  I wasn't very good at converting dollars to rubles though.  We found some great stuff to bring home to our families.

On Sunday, we got to go to church with Mom and Dad to see what they do each week as missionaries.  We definitely to the feeling that Elder and Sister Millar are VERY loved here at the Single's ward.

Visiting Moscow was an incredible experience!  I am so gad to have been able to do it with my three brothers and my parents.  

So, that was our summer.  If you are really interested in our comings and goings, I did a few weeks of project 365.

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