Tuesday, December 4, 2012

new blog fun?

I am having blogging issues.  Because I ran out of space on my last blog (too many large, high definition scrapbook pages probably), I had to make a new one.  However, I cannot add any gadgets.  For some reason, my HTML/Java script bar is missing and I can't find it.  Therefore, I can't add the blogs that I follow to my sidebar.  Any suggestions fellow bloggers?  I am still following your blogs through my old one, I just wish i could post them here.

Anywho, Christmas is in full swing here.  Casey is outside putting up the last of the lights and we have almost finished our christmas shopping.  The girls are preparing for their recitals and school programs and slowly but surely, every single night is getting filled with stuff to do.  Why do we make Christmas so crazy busy?  Between school, church, parties and family stuff...there's not much free time.

Here is our last few weeks.  I might as well start filling up this blog too :)


  1. Keep telling Charlotte what you have been telling her. It can only get easier!! It will definitely be worth it. Since I am not an organist in my ward and haven't played the organ in 3 months I really miss it, who would have thought??

  2. How fun! I played Monopoly with Jenna the other day and... well, let's just say she won. ;o) I guess it's time for Jr. Monopoly? LOL You make having teenagers look so EASY!!! The prospect intimidates me, and it's coming all too quickly.
