Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Allison's 9th birthday

You ever had a request for a snake cake before?  I haven't.  When Allison told me she wanted a snake on her cake, I wondered whose child she was.  I hate snakes.  But, to make her birthday special, I tried to make her snake cake as "girly" as possible.  I think it turned out great.  She is a unique one, our Allison.

Because Casey had meetings on the night of her birthday, we had a very quick party right after dinner before he had to race off.  

She opened her presents with gusto...especially loving her new Lego set.  Do you know they now make Legos for girls?  My girls are determined to collect every one!

She also loved the Knex ferris wheel that she got.  Did you know that Knex are made in America?  I know that because Obama made a stop there on the campaign trail...which almost made me want to boycott KNex but I put my distaste for the president aside and bought them anyway.  Good job employing American workers KNex!

Another view of the snake cake.  Happy 9th birthday Allison!

Here is week 6

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