Friday, February 8, 2013

My 40th birthday!

What a great 40th birthday I had this last week!  Allison and I are blessed to have our birthdays just 2 days apart so every year, Grandma Walburger has everyone over for dinner and showers us with gifts and cake!  This time, she made Allison's favorite dinner...cream cheese chicken rolls and my favorite cake...baked Alaska!  I only eat it once a year...when Grandma Walburger makes it for me.  

I begged Casey to let me have a "low key"  40th surprise parties, no fuss.  I am grateful that he allowed me to quietly slip into 40.  We did get to have a weekend away together last weekend and this weekend, we will take Allison out to dinner for her birthday.  The only problem is that he and I are trying to diet and I currently have 2 beautiful half eaten cakes (one for Allison and one made for me by my best friend, Pamela) in my outside fridge, beckoning to me.  (I love cake!)  But, we are allowed one "fat-erday" a week so I am saving that cake for Saturday (yes, I did save enough calories to have a small-ish piece of Baked Alaska.  It was so funny because Aunt Charlotte, Casey and I are all on the same diet so we broke out grandma's food scale and were each taking turns weighing our piece of cake.) 

So, all in all, my first few days of 40 have been great.  Everyone tells me that their 40s were their favorite.  Let's see if that's true!
Here are the goodies that were given to me for my birthday.  Grandma Walburger always gets me stuff for my kitchen...which I TOTALLY appreciate.  Casey gave me the flowers and the pitcher and Aunt Charlotte gave me the candles and some slippers (that are not in the pic.)  My parents sent money...which I am anxious to go spend! Add to that the lunch at PF Changs with my bestie Pamela and all of the Facebook greetings and I feel so loved!

Here is week 5

1 comment:

  1. Oh, happy belated birthday! I'm so glad it was a wonderful one! :) :) :)

    So, I'm curious, what kind of diet are you and Casey following? I quit Weight Watchers in favor of piano lessons. (I couldn't afford them both, lol!) I've been eating healthy and exercising on my own. (I figured, I already knew how--why should I paying someone for it? LOL!)

    Anyway, if you're interested, I just posted a recipe for Spinach Feta Turkey Burgers on my blog. They are super delicious and very low fat! (Also--only four ingredients and fast and easy to make!)
