Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wishing it would slow down!

So,  my 14 year old daughter decided it was time to finally trim her LONG locks and go for a more "grown up" look.  I took her to the local hair salon that I like and she pointed to a picture on the wall and said, "I want that hairstyle."    Oh my word, it's amazing how one haircut can make a 14 year old look so much older and more mature.  One of her young women leaders told me she hated Charlotte's new hair (she was kidding of course) because she suddenly looked so grown up.  Which brings me to my question.  Why oh why do our children have to grow up so FAST?  One second they are babies and then the next, they are getting grown up hair cuts, going to Stake dances and looking forward to that learner's permit that is only a few months away!  I look back at pictures of my kids as toddlers and think it doesn't seem that long ago.   It really doesn't.  And yet, as I watch them grow taller, transforming from little girls into women, I have to remind myself that time does indeed march an ever increasing pace (or so it seems) and I need to cherish every SECOND of their childhood.  Before I know it, it will be over!

I have 2 weeks of project 365 here.  Some of it, I wrote about last week so it's a repeat.


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