Monday, March 11, 2013

Books, cakes and stickiness!

Maggie had one crazy weekend!  Her team got to go to the District competition for Battle of the Books.  The event was held at North Eugene High school with 50 other elementary school teams.  Each team had a name.  Our girls' name was the "Return of the Reader's Revenge."  (Last year they were the Reader's revenge...and this year, they're returning...I guess??)

The judges just called them the 3 R's.  We met in a classroom along with 2 other teams and they spent the hour competing against each other.  The kids had read 16 books and they were asked very specific questions from them.  The teams had to answer with the name of the book and the author or they were docked points.  It was fun to watch.  
This is our amazing librarian, Mrs. B.  She has been coaching them at lunch and recess.  We were warned that the competition was stiff and indeed, it was!  The girls had a few successful rounds but in the end, they were eliminated in the first batch.  (only 16 teams were able to advance.)

Maggie wasn't too upset about it...especially because we took her to Dairy Queen for lunch.  She was over the moon to go out to lunch with JUST her two parents.  How often does that happen?

In addition to Battle of the Books, Maggie also had a cake decorating party this weekend.  She has been struggling at school with friendships so we decided to invite some girls over for a party so she could "bond" with some of her classmates from both church and school.  They each got a cake and a hunk of fondant to decorate with.  They had so much fun and I was amazed at their creativity.

The theme of the night seemed to be unicorns or Oregon ducks.  After 2 hours of decorating, my whole kitchen and part of my family room was covered in a fine layer of sugar.  But, it was totally worth it!

As I was driving the girls home, the older girls (who were having a Psych marathon in the back room with their pal Rachel) emerged to make a cake of their own.  In honor of "Pscyh" (the TV show), they made a "Psych" cake.  
Apparently, pineapples have an important roll in the show

They did a pretty good job don't you think?

Since we ran out of time on Friday night, I let the little girls decorate their cakes on Sunday afternoon.  (We had Stake Conference and so instead of 1:00 church, we were home by 12:30 and had the whole day!  It was bliss!)  

I don't know why they are dressed in princess costumes.  Allison did a bunny cake and Lydia did a duck cake.  Needless to say, there is a lot of cake at our house. 

Finally,  Lydia had a somewhat lazy afternoon today and so I let her play the computer while I did laundry.  When I came out to check on her, I saw this on the screen:

I thought it was so funny that I had to join in.
Ahhh, technology :)

Have a nice week everyone!


  1. How fun! I love all the cakes. And I giggled most about the Psych cake. (I love that show--it's my all-time favorite because it's hilarious and totally family-friendly. And yes, pineapples are a big part of the show--at least in the first few seasons.)

    You are such a creative and patient Mom. I'm not sure that I would host a cake-decorating party in my home, lol!

  2. Andrea! Your girls are SO talented! (Like their Mama :) ) I love their Psych cake!
