Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Westover work weekend

Some of the greatest moments as a parent come when you have all of your children out working in the yard with you.  Okay, this RARELY happens in our home but this last Saturday, it did...and I cherished it!  Of course, there may have been some bribery involved, but that's a whole other matter.  

We spent the entire Saturday morning filling planter boxes and garden boxes with fresh dirt.  Lydia and Jillian really got into it and helped shovel!

We also did bark.  Before we could do the bark, we had to do some trimming so I set the younger girls to this task.  Maggie was not quite as enthusiastic about this job as the others were.

Charlotte tried the best she could to help but her injured arm prevented her from really getting involved.  I sent her in to clean a bathroom :)

By the end of the morning, the yard was looking great and we were sweaty, tired and ready for a shower!  What was their reward you might ask?  I let them go to the nursery and pick out any flowers that they wanted to fill their pre-assigned flower pots.  I didn't care about the cost, I just let them pick the ones they thought were the prettiest.  Charlotte and Jillian also got to pick whatever vegetable plants they wanted for their Personal Progress garden.  It ended up costing me a small fortune but my yard is now filled with loveliness.  Worth it?  I think so!

Grandma Walburger is the girls' personal progress mentor so she came over last night and helped them get the garden put in!

Here is week 17

1 comment:

  1. How neat is that? Some of my favorite childhood memories are working in the yard with my family. Whenever we've lived where we had a yard, the kids have always helped us.

    Sadly, we don't have a yard where we're at now (not even a tiny one). *sigh*
