Thursday, May 16, 2013

Busy, busy days!

As the school year draws to a close, it seems that every year, the events and final projects just pile up on each other.  We had a few of those this week.  First, after weeks of prep and practice, Allison presented her biography on Walt Disney to her class.  She had all 11 note cards completely memorized.  I was so proud of her.  This is our 4th third grade biography.  So far we have done, Mother Theresa (Charlotte), Laura Ingalls Wilder (Jillian) and Ronald Reagan (Maggie) and now Walt Disney.  I wonder who Lydia will get?

Here is Allison giving her presentation.  She was supposed to dress up like her  person but instead of wearing a suit and a mustache, she opted for her favorite Disney gear.  (She also brought her favorite Disney character...Oswald.)

The other big event of the week was for Maggie.  We were surprised to get a letter from the mayor's office that Maggie's Earth Day drawing had been given First Place out of 300 entries.  We were invited to go to the City Council meeting and meet the Mayor of Springfield.
Here are the top five winners...and the mayor on the far right.  

Maggie was presented with a nicely framed certificate...which surprised us...we were just expecting a blue ribbon or something simple.  Maggie came right home and nailed it to her wall.

Because the awards ceremony was on a Monday, we made a Family Home evening out of it.  Maggie loved having the support of her whole family.  Afterwards, we hit Dairy Queen for some ice cream!  It was a great night!  

Finally, Mother's day was this week and it was wonderful!  Unlike past Mother's day, it wasn't terribly restful.  Despite offers to let me sleep in, my nerves got the better of me and I was up at 7:30 practicing my songs for the organ in sacrament meeting.  Shouldn't all mothers be exempt from playing the organ on Mother's day?  I was terribly nervous this time...I'm not sure why because the songs were relatively easy.  My "organ" Sundays tend to be nervous, anxious days for me...until sacrament meeting is over that is!

Anyway, Casey and the girls offered to make me breakfast but I opted out of it (again, the nerves wouldn't allow me to eat) and so instead, they gave me some nice gifts.  My favorite was this fountain that Casey picked out for our back deck.  I LOVE it!!!  I just love opening my back windows and hearing it trickling in the backyard.

After church (and mercifully, a successful sacrament meeting on the organ), Casey and Jared Booren had us all gather at the Booren's house for a special backyard dinner.  Of course, Grandma Walburger  came too!  They grilled some chicken and for dessert, surprised us with chocolate cheesecake from the Excelsior Inn.  Oh my, it was HEAVEN!  We all felt very spoiled and loved!

Though I've pretty much re-capped the whole week, here is the rest of it:

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