Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New YEAR!

 Happy New year everyone!  I don't  really enjoy the whole New year holiday...perhaps it's the bad memories of the endless football games I had to endure growing up.  I dreaded New Year's day for that reason.  (I grew up in a houseful of boys.)

This year, Allison experienced her first Polar Bear Dare with her best buddy Cassandra.  They had to jump on the trampoline in swimsuits for as long as their little bodies could stand it.  I am told that Allison lasted quite a while!

Meanwhile, we enjoyed the glorious weather by working in the yard and taking down the Christmas lights.  Lydia busted out her tricycle, which hasn't seen the light of day for many rainy months!
Casey agreed to take the girls to see "The Hobbit" if the lawn would somehow magically get mowed.  Charlotte jumped at the chance and she did a pretty good job for only her second time mowing.  The older three girls LOVED watching "The Hobbit" in 3D.  

While the girls watched the 3D movie, I took Lydia to see this one.  I had no idea if it would be any good but I had heard it was family friendly so we took a chance.  If you haven't seen it...you should take your whole family. (or better yet, watch it it at home on DVD.)  It was wonderful and touching and amazing!

Finally, I was able to see Les Mis this last week and I loved it so much, I went to see it again!  I first saw the musical when I was in high school and I was so obsessed with it that I bought the whole musical on CD.  I listened to it so much that to this day, I could sing along word for word.  I love this show!  Run to see it if you can!  (there are some adult themes but nothing too offensive...and I get offended easily by raunchy movies)

Finally, I have started year 4 of my project 365.  That means that for the last 3 years I have at least one picture and journal entry for each and every day of those 3 years.  I wish I would have started this project years and years earlier!  We look at these journals frequently and are so glad to have those memories forever recorded.  Here is week 1 of 2013!


  1. You came past my house and didn't even stop!!! Just kidding, we were on our way back down here from Springfield that day, so we probably weren't home until your way back home. Allison looks like she is freezing! I still can't believe that Charlotte is old enough to go to Stake Dances.

  2. We saw Les Miserables last week with some friends. I really love the music of it (and really Jean Val Jean's transformation and integrity is so moving). I think the cast did wonderful, and who knew Hugh Jackman could sing like that??

    We loved "The Hobbit" too. :)

    I giggled at Allison's Polar Bear dare! 35 degrees is pretty darn chilly. Though, I'd love to have that kind of weather again. We're well below freezing here in CO. (We've had a lot of snow this year, and we're gearing up for some more!)
