Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Christmas is a very tradition heavy time of year.  It is interesting how attached our kids get to our Christmas traditions.  Any changes, and they freak out..."That's not how we always do it!!"  Here are a few of our favorites:

#1  Swedish Tea Ring:
These babies are so good.  My mom started making these when I was a kid.  She would deliver them to friends and neighbors on Christmas eve day.  (I would always go with her).  Before I moved out, she was making up to 30 of them because everyone loved them so much.  I don't make near that many but I have carried on the tradition.  Unlike the Millar family though, when the Westover's do a delivery, they have to carol too.  (That is Casey's little addition to this annual tradition...and I try not to sing...unlike my hubby and daughters, I don't have that talent.)
#2  Nativity play

This is something Grandma Walburger introduced to us a few years ago.  She wrote a pageant for her Activity days girls and we've been performing it on Christmas Eve ever since.  The kids LOVE to get dressed up to play the role of Mary, Joseph, the wise men, shepherds, angels and King Herod.

#3:  Santa Letter

This is also a tradition adapted from my family.  We always had a letter from Santa on Christmas Eve...officially proclaiming if we were naughty or nice over the year.  Lately, the letter has been a hilarous poem (Casey's touch) and this time, it was 30 pages long.  When stretched out, it went from one end of the room to the other.  Each person anxiously waits for Casey to read the recap of their year, written by Santa.

#4  Jammies

Santa always delivers jammies with the letter!  This is a much loved tradition...and a necessary one too!  By this time of the year, the kids definitely need new pajamas.  They grow so darned fast!

#5  Lunch at Grandma Walburgers

This is a new one.  Last year, Grandma invited us over for a big lunch, games and presents on Christmas day.  This year, we took it to a new level and stayed for five hours!  Despite the fact that the kids had all of these new things to play with at home, they wanted to stay and hang out with grandparents and cousins.   It was so fun and we look forward to spending many a Christmas day with the Walburgers!

Important note:  That is pumpkin chiffon pie...Casey's most favorite of all time desserts!  Only Grandma Walburger makes it right.  I don't even attempt it.

What are your traditions?

Here is the last and final week of 2012.  I can't believe how fast it went!

1 comment:

  1. I love these traditions! :) We do Christmas jammies as well--only they come from Mom & Dad. Also, we open our family gifts (all of them) on Christmas Eve (one gift at a time rather than every gift all at once)--right after we go caroling.

    I used to be a bit of a Scrooge at Christmastime, but I'm reformed now. We'll be creating some new family traditions over the next few years. :)

    I hope your holidays were very, very happy!
