Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A mission call

Well, it's happened!  My wonderful and amazing parents got their mission call.  And despite dreams and premonitions that they would be going to Pocatello, Idaho (not that there's anything wrong with that), they got their call to serve in Moscow, Russia.  We were all in a bit of shock when they told us. I just can't imagine my parents speaking Russian and living near Red Square.  It's just weird...but terribly exciting!  They are providing such a great example to their grandchildren!  I am so grateful for the perfect example of Gospel living that they have always given me and now, give to their grandchildren.  When given a calling, my parents jump in 110%...they always have.  We have learned from them to do the same when we are given a calling.  I am confident that they will give just as much devotion and dedication to this new calling as they always do!

In other slightly odd and alarming news, Casey let Charlotte DRIVE the other day!  Yes, she's only 14 and  yes, it was just in the church parking lot but still....HOW CAN SHE BE OLD ENOUGH TO EVEN THINK ABOUT DRIVING??????  I can't wrap my head around the fact that this girl is entering high school next year and that within a year, she will indeed be driving my car.  She was just a baby yesterday after all.  Why do they have to grow up so fast?  She's a great kid though and its fun to watch her mature.

This picture is being posted for Grandma and Grandpa Millar.  For each birthday, they send their grandchildren $25 in the mail.  The best part of their birthdays is now the annual trip to the toy store to spend that money!  Lydia chose this Rapunzel "toddler" (as she calls it) to go along with her Cinderella one.  (Which was her birthday present from us.)  So there you go mom and dad....this is what she spent your money on!

Lastly, here is week 4 of 2013!  Thanks for reading!

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